Is Ghee Good for Diabetics? 8 Benefits and Daily Limits

Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Controlling food and food habits is very crucial when it comes to diabetes. Newer routines must be set up with altered diets and restrictions to encourage better health that does not have any ill-effect on the sugar levels.

To fix a new diet and schedule might be tricky, but that is why we are here with you today to answer some common doubts.

Today, we will answer – Is Ghee good for diabetics, its benefits, nutrition, daily limitations, and much more. So let us get started.

Is Ghee good for Diabetics?

Is Ghee good for Diabetics

Although ghee is considered as fat and oily kitchen agent, it is surprisingly very healthy for the body in numerous ways. Diabetics can also include ghee in their planned healthy diets. It is also safe and low Glycemic to have ghee on an everyday basis.

Veggie causing Diabetes

Ghee is rather said to have medicinal effects on the body’s blood sugar management. Among the never-ending list of fats used in cooking and dishes and the consistent doubts about whether they are good or not, Ghee is one on the positive end.

First of all, Ghee is a rather natural product. It is among those few food items that do not go under too much processing or manufacturing that makes it harmful. It is comparatively all-natural.

Due to this, the ghee does not have any trans-fat, added preservatives, or unhealthy additives. The processed and added items while manufacturing makes food unhealthy and unsafe for diabetic patients. But coming to ghee, one does not have to worry about that.

Diabetics have since time immemorial been advised to include ghee as a medicinal part of their diet. The ghee obtained from desi cow milk and prepared in natural ways is the one to go for. Well, are you wondering why?


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The fatty acids that are found in ghee are good for various organs and functions in the body. It is also assisting in ways to keep the blood sugar low.

The fatty acids present in ghee are a great way to improve metabolism. These fats are not harmful. It has properties that help in the management of high blood glucose levels.

Furthermore, this healthy fat can also be paired with other food items to make them more efficient and easier to digest. They are definitely a healthy addition to one’s diabetic life.

NOTE: make sure you use naturally made ghee from desi cows to reap maximum benefits.

What are the benefits of Ghee for diabetics?

What are the benefits of Ghee for diabetics

The clarified butter, which is obtained after cooking and evaporating the milk into solids, is a great food item. It is said to have plenty of medicinal qualities on different parts of the body.

Fortunately, ghee is also great for a diabetic patient. It is rather helpful and encourages safety and maintains health. Here are some potential that ghee is said to have on the health of a diabetic individual:

1. The caramelized milk solids contain fats; Ghee is full of fat and has very low carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not ideal for a diabetic diet. Hence, ghee works as a great alternative that supplies enough other healthy nutrients.

2. Ghee has plenty of amounts of vitamin K. This vitamin, along with the fatty acids, is very beneficial in promoting better absorption from foods. Therefore, ghee also facilitates better metabolic reactions on sugars and helps to manage blood glucose levels.

3. Adding ghee to other foods has a great impact on better digestion. For instance – adding ghee to rice makes it easier to digest. This is of great help, especially for diabetic patients.

4. Moreover, ghee also helps in the melting down of the fat deposits that have accumulated in the body. This ensures an extra care and prevents any spikes of carbohydrate levels in the body.

5. Ghee is also helpful in promoting better secretions of insulin in the body. Insulin, which is a very required hormone for diabetes-maintenance, is also benefitted with the inclusion of ghee in the diet. GLP-1, an essential gut hormone, is functionally made more active and efficient, which in turn stimulates the insulin.

6. The pancreas has beta-cells that function to assist the proper conversion of energy from carbohydrates. Many a time, due to the effects of diabetes in the body, the immunity lowers and the beta cells are also affected. The better functioning of the GLP-1 hormone helps to reduce the damaging of beta cells, and thus, carry out efficient metabolic processes.

7. Another benefit of better GLP-1 functioning is that it assists in delaying the process of absorbing carbohydrates. The slower digestion is efficient as it helps to prevent any sudden rises in the blood glucose levels. Thus ghee is a great agent to control many underlying issues of diabetics.

8. Other than making foods easier to digest, adding ghee also helps in bringing down the GI of foods. It can be spread on and added to paratha, rice, Dosa, dals, etc. to bring down the Glycemic Index of these foods. It makes them safer for diabetic patients.

Nutritional facts about Ghee

Here is a table denoting the nutritional composition of a tablespoon (14 grams) of ghee.

Sl. No.Nutrient CompositionAmount
1.Fat13 grams
2.Saturated fat8 grams
3.Monounsaturated fat4 grams
4.Polyunsaturated fat0.5 grams
8.Vitamin A12% of DV
9.Vitamin K1% of DV
10.Vitamin E2% of DV

All the calories that are present in ghee are obtained from the fat that it has. The carbohydrates found in a tablespoon of ghee are extremely minimal and it implies that the blood sugar levels are hardly affected due to the consumption of ghee.

Therefore, ghee can be safely included in your diabetic diets and it will have many good effects.

Daily limits of Ghee in Diabetes

Daily limits of Ghee in Diabetes

However beneficial ghee may be; one should be careful to not overdo it. A safe overall amount for a month’s ghee consumption is around 500 grams per month. Be sure not to go over this advised amount of ghee.

It means that a healthy every day limit for diabetics to include ghee in their diets is one or two tablespoons of it. Make sure you do not go over these quantities. It may not be bad for your blood sugar levels but can significantly influence your cholesterol levels.

Precautions for taking Ghee, if you have Diabetes

Although ghee is safe for diabetic patients in many ways, it is still advisable to have a few things in mind.

1. Ghee can have significant effects on one’s body weight. If not controlled the fats over time can accumulate and give rise to a higher weight. This must be taken care of by diabetics as they need to be extra careful about managing and keeping their body weight healthy.

2. When buying ghee at the market, if possible, shop for desi ghee. They have maximum benefits to offer and are the least harmful. The ideal advantages are found in the ghee made from the milk of cows fed on natural grass.

3. Apart from buying the ghee from stores, you can even prepare it in your kitchen. It is a lot better, healthier, and devoid of any little chemicals or preservatives that are found in the factory-made ghee.

4. When talking about the daily inclusion of ghee in your diet, it must be carefully done. Make sure you consider your regular blood sugar levels and the postprandial effects. It is often best for a diabetic to consult the doctor for a detailed review of the usage of ghee as per your particular health stats.

11 Unique Health effects of Ghee

Apart from the benefits to one’s diabetic health, Ghee is also advantageous for many other ailments and conditions. Here are some of the benefits that one can receive from regular consumption of ghee:

1. Controlled and proper consumption of ghee can even direct the body towards fat loss. Extra weight can be harmful and can lead to numerous health-related issues. Ghee can be a helpful agent in managing and losing weight.

2. Ghee improves and facilitates the overall process of digestion. It is made easier and also prevents problems related to gut health and issues such as – constipation, indigestion, etc.

3. Ghee helps in the overall raising of the body’s immunity. The absorption of nutrients is encouraged in a better manner. This improves the overall nutrient content of the body and increases immunity.

4. The linoleic acids found in ghee is great to combat cardiovascular diseases. Diabetics often have a risk of developing heart-related diseases. Ghee can be a great agent in minimizing the chances of having a cardiovascular issue.

5. Diabetics, pre-diabetics, and others also have a very great gain of vitamins from the consumption of ghee. Ghee has many vitamins such as vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, and beta-carotene. These are efficient for many different functions of the body.

6. The linoleic acids are also known to control and prevent cancer-causing roots. It has anti-cancer properties. The anti-oxidants also assist in anti-cancer measures.

7. Ghee also helps to lessen the vulnerability of heart attacks, strokes, heart failures, and blockages. The omega-3 fatty acids present in ghee helps to control these issues. The monounsaturated fats contained in ghee also help in keeping the heart away from diseases and preserves health.

8. Ghee is also rich in anti-oxidants. Beta-carotene, Butyrate, etc. are some of the anti-oxidants found in ghee. They help to keep away the ill-effects of free radicals on the body and prevent many chronic diseases.

9. Ghee is also an efficient nutrient supplier for the hair and skin. Ghee is rich in fats that act as moisturizing agents. They help in keeping the skin and the scalp moist and hydrated and also provide nourishment.

10. Ghee is also a better alternative to butter. It can be used in a variety of recipes and is also better than better in some minimal properties and nutrients.

11. Organic and good ghee can help in keeping cholesterol levels low. It can manage heart health by keeping bad cholesterol away. The quantities of ghee must be ideally chosen for attaining this benefit.


Ghee has innumerable benefits on one’s overall diabetic lifestyle. Apart from managing and reducing blood sugar levels, it has keeps the heart-healthy.

Organic Ghee can be included in other foods to increase its nutrient-quality. It is important to take ghee in moderated amounts as per your diabetic health. Excess ghee must not be included.

Daily consumption of safe amounts of ghee is very beneficial for the overall immune system and well-being.




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